This week, I’d like to talk about one of the questions we generated a few weeks ago. Why do alot of Christians think that laws should enforce their religious beliefs? Isn't it better to keep church and state completely separate?Whether you are a person of religious conviction or not, the separation of church and state has far-reaching implications for lifestyle choices that our government enforces upon us. Do we have rights to abortion? Homosexual marriage? Using birth control until or if we are prepared to have children? People with strong religious convictions feel so strongly about these issues that they wish to code laws preventing all citizens from having the freedom to make independent choices on these matters.
When the question was posed to him “Should the public square be naked of religion?”, Professor Peter Kreeft answered, “It is good that the public square be naked of religion. That is, it is good, in some sense of the word good, that the public square, in some sense of the public square, be naked, in some sense of the word naked, of religion, in some sense of religion.” In other words, this issue is complicated. It is complicated by definition of terms, by personal biases, by religious experiences, and by knowledge of the political history of the United States.
Kreeft explains concerning the role of history and perspective in determining the separation of church and state, “I don’t believe that it’s always true, though I believe that it’s probably true for our place and time. I personally would not, I think, favor the separation of church and state if I were a Jew in Jerusalem in 1,000BC, or if a Frenchman in Paris in the court of King Louis of France in the thirteenth century, or even if I were a Muslim in Pakistan today.” It is possible then, that there is an element of history that necessarily figures into our analysis of whether or not the separation of church and state is good for the nation.
So let's look at the issue historically. What role should God and religious beliefs play in the governance of our nation? What role has God and religious belief already played in the history of American government?
Many of our founding fathers drew their foundations for political liberty from their Christian faith. Although contemporary dialogue seeks to discredit the religious foundations of our early leaders by making claims about their secret relations with Freemasons or other sects, the entire accepted canon of the history of our nation cannot be overturned. Our founding fathers did in fact write letters to each other in which they debated the Christian principles of liberty. Perhaps they did not do so as frequently as religious conservatives would like to say, nor as seldom as secular liberals claim, but the textual evidence does exist. (For more detailed description of the founding fathers’ religious preferences, listen to the Bolton debate listed below). We must root out all historical bias on both sides of the political spectrum in regard to this issue.
At any rate, it cannot be argued that the fathers defended religious liberty. The establishment clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” This statement could be open to broad interpretation; however, it is important to note that the interpretation that has been chosen and popularized in American society is one originated in the mind of Thomas Jefferson.
As many of you may know, the phrase “separation of church and state” does not appear in the establishment clause of the First Amendment, but rather in a letter of Thomas Jefferson’s. The letter which sparked the comment was written to Thomas Jefferson from the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut on Oct. 7, 1801. As a religious minority, the group was afraid that their right to practice Christianity in their own way would be infringed upon. Jefferson’s reply does not come until Jan. 1, 1802, nearly four months later. It is in this letter that Jefferson uses the famous phrase, “wall of separation between church and state.” Jefferson’s own religious background plays a role in this discussion as well. While upholding the right of all to practice religion without impediment, Jefferson himself was a Deist. Jefferson edited a version of Scripture which excerpted statements made by Jesus, removing all those that mentioned him in any way being the Son of God. Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin served as a religious minority among the founding fathers.
Recent scholarship has uncovered earlier drafts of the Jefferson’s Danbury letter which were then turned into a display at the Library of Congress in 1998. What had been thought of as a quickly drafted afterthought to a religious organization is now seen as a part of on going conversation Jefferson had about the establishment clause and its interpretation. (Read more about the Jefferson letter drafts here:
Jefferson’s influential metaphor has influenced Supreme Court decisions, especially in the late 1940s. However, what if it was not what the founding fathers had intended to convey through the first amendment? Is there anyway to access that original historical intention and restore that to society? Here’s a better question: Would we even want to? Our nation is more religiously diverse than ever. Who gets to choose whose morality becomes the dominant societal paradigm?
Here are some sources that Tuesday’s discussion will draw from. If you are coming to join us at Davenport, I encourage you to do some of the reading and download one or more of the lectures. It’s not required, but doing so can only help you have authoritative sources to base your thinking upon for the discussion. We value everyone’s thinking, and we also value knowing why everyone is thinking what they are thinking.
Bolton, Brian. God and Politics: Is There Historical Basis for Including God in Government and Public Institutions? Veritas Forum Media. Texas A&M University. 17 February 2005. 17 September 2006.
Danbury Baptist Association. “The Danbury Baptists’ Letter to Thomas Jefferson.” Separation of Church and State Home Page. 17 September 2006.
Hutson, James. “‘A Wall of Separation’: FBI Helps Restore Jefferson’s Obliterated Draft.” LC Information Bulletin. Library of Congress: Washington, DC. 17 September 2006.
Jefferson, Thomas. “Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists: The Draft and Recently Recovered Text.” LC Information Bulletin. Library of Congress: Washington, DC. 17 September 2006.
Jefferson, Thomas. “Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists: The Final Letter, as Sent.” LC Information Bulletin. Library of Congress: Washington, DC. 17 September 2006.
Kreeft, Peter. The Relationship Between Religion and Public Education: Must the Public Square Be Naked? Veritas Forum Media. Louisiana State University. 11 March 2005. 17 September 2006.
US Bill of Rights. 17 September 2006.
Questions to think about and comment on:
1. Do you agree with the separation of church and state?
2. Should we maintain the separation of church and state just because we have historically done so? Would it be feasible now to reintigrate some form of religion into American government?
3. Should there be a moral basis for American law? If so, what should it be?
4. What role does God play in our political life?
5. What do you think the founders intended by the establishment clause of the First Amendment? Or what are some valid interpretations? Does it matter that Jefferson's is the interpretation that has most frequently been adopted if that is an opinion contrary to what the founders intended?