Friday, September 08, 2006

Tuesday night conversation: Questions and Doubts

Some great questions on Tuesday night. I have a feeling that this group will turn into an awesome community for discussion in the future.

Here are some question examples:

Why do I resent religious people so much?

Why do alot of Christians think that laws should enforce their religious beliefs? Isn't it better to keep church and state completely separate?

Does God choose who is going to believe in him?

God says he answers all our prayers, but I thought that his will was predetermined. Does that mean that he doesn't answer the prayers of the people he doesn't approve of? If God already knows what is going to happen, why does he just let us flounder around?

Does God honestly allow people who don't believe in him to go to hell?

Should Christians support the death penalty?

With everything the Bible went through to come into being in its current state (original transcriptions, translations, book selections), how do we know everything in it is "holy"?

Does believing in Christ/ the Bible have to come with the belief that that way is the only way?

This is some great stuff. We'll look forward to beginning to talk about it in the coming weeks. If anyone has any further questions, or thoughts on these questions, feel free to post them here.